Na nossa cozinha estava um coelho recém nascido cuja mãe morreu durante o parto, de todos os possíveis coelhinhos, ele foi o único que conseguiu nascer ... demos com ele muito frio e obviamente esfomeado.
A primeira refeição foi com uma seringa que fomos buscar a farmácia com leite de vaca mas depois o veterinário disse-nos que o leite de gato seria melhor e foi esse que lhe demos, com um mini biberon.
Aumentou de 45gr para 65gr em apenas dois dias! Esta manhã a barriga estava super inchada e não parou de correr a caixa onde estava a guinchar ... passou o dia gelado mesmo quando estava aconchegado na bolsa de tecido polar que lhe fiz e finalmente esta tarde veio-se verificar o maior dos nossos medos ... diarreia ... imensa! Depressa percebemos que este pequeno coelhinho não iria sobreviver e por isso decidimos acabar depressa com o sofrimento dele ... está no nosso quintal, junto ás couves ...
Ia chamar-se Alfredo e fizemos o melhor que podíamos.
In our kitchen there was a newborn rabbit whose mother died during labor, from all the little rabbits that she might have in her, he was the one who was able to born ... when we found him he was cold and obviously hungry.
His first meal was cow milk in syringe that we bought at drugstore but then the vet told us to give him cat milk and so we did, we even bought a special mini teat. He gained 20gr in just two days! This morning his belly was swollen and he was always walking in his box screaking ... he was frozen during all day, even when inside the fleece bag I made him and soon this afternoon our biggest fear showed up ... diarrhea ... a lot of! Soon we realized this little rabbit would not make it through so we decided to end his suffering as fast as we could ... he is in our backyard next to the cabbages ...
His name would be Alfredo and we did the best we could.
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